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Follow these Profitable Productivity Tips and Increase Income | FinCalC

Time is money. How we manage our time tells a lot about how much importance we give to our personal finance.

Here are some of the Profitable Productivity tips that you must follow:

1. Avoid Multitasking

Those who say that they are doing multiple things at the same time are lying. Our brain isn't designed to do multiple things at the same time.

"Multitasking will let you reach no where. Do one thing at a time. Remember, one step at a time."

Don't try to listen to the podcast and write at the same time. You'll end up wasting your time with no effective results. Either listen to the podcast or write, not both at the same time.

2. Stay Away from Social Platforms 

Social platforms are there to distract you from performing your important tasks. Avoid them.

"Social Platforms is the new smoking. Addiction to social platforms leads to your waste of time."

We tend to see the number of likes or comments on our posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social platforms due to a chemical called Dopamine. Dopamine is released in our body when we feel happy about something.

We open social platforms apps as a result of notifications on our mobile phones due to this chemical, Dopamine, because it makes us feel happy and we tend to do it repeatedly. The content on such social platforms aren't that effective or important and we get distracted while working on something important.

"Have a watch. Using your phone to see time will lead you check how your posts are doing on various social platforms, thus wasting your time."

Keep your phone on silent mode when you are working on your important tasks. Uninstall Apps that distract you from doing your work if you can. Trust me, you don't need them.

3. Find your Perfect Working Time 

Some would say morning is the best time to work on their important tasks, while others would prefer late night to get their work done. It's important to know your attentive hours.

"Find out your optimum working hours when you can get most of your work done. You can accomplish your full day's task in couple of hours by doing so."

Wake up an hour early to get your work done. With minimum or no distractions while others are sleeping, you can get most of your tasks done. Or sleep an hour late and complete the checklist of your tasks while others are sleeping.

4. Learn to Say No 

People will try to delegate their work and let you do their work. You should know when and how to say 'No'. 

It's always better to say politely. Don't be rude and say no just because I am saying. In order to manage your time and complete your tasks, you should let the person know that you are busy with your work and cannot work on their stuff right now. Be polite. 

5. Find your Working Environment

A slight change in your working location can help you solve most of your problems you are struggling to find solutions of.

"A clean table with pen and journal, without distractions or noise, is the best thing you could give to a Writer."

Working environment makes a difference and affects how we work, our effectiveness and efficiency. It let's our brain think about new ideas. New ideas leads to new actions. Actions leads to beautiful results.

6. Plan your Day 

The very first thing that you should do after waking up in the morning is Plan your Day. Plan the tasks that you are going to complete by the end of the day.

"Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail. Plan your Day in morning and analyze before going to sleep."

Have a diary. Write down the important tasks(checklist) you are going to complete by the end of the day. Check the task once you have completed it. 

This is the most effective way you can complete your important tasks on a given day. Planning and writing your small daily goals is important.

7. Get Organized

Study shows that 20-30% of our time is wasted in finding our belongings. It's important to organize things so that we find them quickly when we need them.

"Every object occupies a space. If they are in place, we'll find them when we need them."

Get organized and save your time.

8. Stop Checking Emails Frequently

Last but not the least, this is one of the big Time-killers. Checking emails frequently doesn't make sense. It's a waste of time. It's another source of distraction.

Have specific time during the day during which you should check your emails. Not all emails need your attention. Most of them are just for your information.

"If something is urgent and very important, someone would call rather then wait for a reply via an email."

So limit the number of times you check your emails. Have specific time during the day, usually 2-3 times a day during which you check and respond to your emails.

I'd love to hear from you if you have any queries about Personal Finance and Money Management.

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