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The Importance Of Pursuit For Happiness | FinCalC

Everybody seeks happiness to maintain their good state of mind. A good state of mind leads to new thoughts, which leads to new ideas, which leads to actions, and actions leads to success.

It's important to be happy in order to be successful. Everybody has different definition for success.

Becoming a millionaire is success. Making 10 people smile in a day is happiness and kind of success. Completing all your daily tasks is success. You would have your own definition of success.

In order to be successful, you need to maintain a good state of mind. You need to pursue happiness in your own way.

1. Read Books

"Books are like experiences. You experience the stories of authors and others and learn new things and avoid mistakes. Without actually going through it in real life."

If you read books, you understand it's importance. You learn the meaning of life. You understand yourself.

There are many life changing books out there, but it's important to identify your area of interest. Find out the topics that you like reading or want to have more knowledge about. This is the first step towards identifying what you like.

Based on your interest, prioritize your list of books you would want to read. It's ok to re-read a book again or not to complete the entire book. What's important is to learn from every book. Every book has a meaning and an intent. 

2. Have a Journal

"Ideas are like butterflies. If you aren't able to catch them in your first attempt, they are gone. Note down your ideas the moment it comes in your mind."

Having a journal has proved to be very productive. People who write about ideas or how their day was, experience the feeling of satisfaction at the end of day by the tasks they have accomplished.

Journal is proved to be one of our best friends. It is something that you should interact with at the end of the day and share your daily experiences.

When you feel down, how have a journal to share your feelings. When you feel alone, interact with your journal. Moreover, it promises to keep your secrets away from others.

Journal is your best friend.

3. Work on your dreams

"Don't just eat and sleep after 9-5 work. Work on your side hustles and accomplish your goals before and after your 9-5 routine."

It's important to have goals and accomplish them. If you dream about something, and you don't have plans for your actions to accomplish your goals, it is just a dream. Dead dream. There is no meaning in just having dreams.

Having a plan? Work on it. Don't just have a plan. Take actions. Divide big tasks into small ones. Weekly tasks into daily tasks. Yearly goals into monthly and daily goals. 

It takes time to build an empire. The compound effect of working every day will stack up to give excellent results in your favor. It's not about luck, it's about consistency and perseverance.

4. Help people

While you are working on your goals, having a 9-5 job and a journal, don't forget to help people.

"Help people the way you want them help you when you need them. Let kindness be a small rent that you pay for the space that you occupy on this planet."

Helping others is one of the reasons of your happiness. You build connections while you are helping others.

It helps you pursue happiness.

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